Integrate a territory of pooling of needs, know-how and solutions
Develop agile supply chain solutions for innovative medicines and health products
POLEPHARMA, the top pharmaceutical cluster in Europe, is the excellence and innovation network of the Made-in-France health sector.
Thanks to its team of experts serving the network, POLEPHARMA boosts the economic and industrial development of the players of the prime French pharma industry via operations stimulating competitiveness, innovation and magnetism to stimulate employment in the Centre-Val de Loire, Normandie and Ile de France regions. Empowered by its territorial and representative roots, POLEPHARMA is a wellspring of proposals to public authorities on industrial policies for the health sector.
POLEPHARMA is a sturdy network, one that is mobilized and connective, uniting players of the pharmaceutical industry around such shared values as Daring in Innovation, Pride in French Expertise and Cooperation as a Performance Driver.